

Saturday, 27 April 2013

FOMCA-1st Consumer App, A MUST HAVE apps for all Malaysian.

Being offended by the bad service but too INCONVENIENT to complain about it? Discover a whole new way of make a complaint real time with Android
——download FOMCA APP for FREE!!

"Like the complaint feature..a must have apps for all Malaysian." according to one of the user of this great app.
With the 1st consumer app, now you can make a complaint anywhere, whenever you have an encroachment of rights and interests.
  • Get the latest news in your Smart Phone  
  • Know all the Campaigns 
  • Get all the publication inside your phone 
Just with one click!!

Surprise by its: 

1) Interesting
  • simple, easy to use.
  • user friendly experience.
  • use on the go.

2) Accessibility 
  • Get the latest consumer news to your hand.
  • Know your right and responsibility as a consumer.
 3) Interactive 
  • GOT A PROBLEM? Make a REAL-TIME complaint with PROOF!!
4) Informative
  • Get all our published magazine up to date FOR FREE!


Now you can download it from GOOGLE play, here's the link:)

and those who use iPhone, here's the link for apps store!

BE a smart consumer, KNOW your rights, 
DOWNLOAD fomca app !





Saturday, 20 April 2013


Question marks' booming in your brain?  HERE'S the answer~

~Logo of FOMCA~
"The Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations or its acronym, FOMCA is a national non-governmental organization, which is voluntary, non-profit, non-political, and civic oriented. It is the umbrella body of registered consumer associations in Malaysia."

FOMCA links the activities of consumers' associations in Malaysia and works together with the national and international levels towards strengthening consumer protection.

FOMCA's main concern is not only value for money but more so, value for people. FOMCA also promotes through the purchasing power of consumers a "need-oriented" development that will ensure socio-economic justice and environmental quality of life for all.


FOMCA was formed primarily to:
  1. Strengthen the growth and spread of the organized consumer movement in Malaysia.
  2. Resolve consumer issues and promote the rights of consumers.
  3. Promote through the purchasing power of consumers a “need-oriented” development that will ensure socio-economic justice and environmental quality of life for all.
  4. Coordinate as an advisory body to all the other consumer organization in Malaysia.


FOMCA is not only a consumer body, it is also a development body.  FOMCA’s aim are:
  • To create independence amongst consumers – “The Best Protection is Self Protection”."
  • To create a wise, civic- minded society.
FOMCA practices: - 
  1. Work in partnership with the government but not for government.
  2. Work with the consumers but not for consumers.
  3. Controlling exploitation and non-ethic practices in business and not against a responsible business practices


FOMCA has the following roles:
  1. Researching consumer issues and its implications on people
  2. Promote and conduct consumer education.
  3. Advocate for better consumer protection.
  4. Where required, conduct product testing.